We all have some kind of way to self-sabotage; unconsciously we have beliefs and thoughts about ourselves that sabotage us in our daily lives, it’s that things we think about ourselves that keeps us from believing and makes our faith weak.

It’s not ok to have what I want

I don’t deserve what I want

I am not worthy to have what I want

It’s not possible to get what I want

I don’t know what I want

Something bad will happen when I get what I want

Others won’t approve of what I want

I will be judged if I get what I want

What I want is not important enough

What I want will make me happy

I will fail at trying to obtain what I want

We are always thinking what if. It’s the things that make us lose faith and hope. We need to go beyond those statements and just go for it, we must change those statements into positive statements that will allow us to detach from the need. As long as we still have a need for something we already asked for, you are still not convinced that your prayer has been answered. That means that we do not trust God and we do not have faith. Having faith is not about maybe God will give me what I want or need, faith is that unchangeable I know that I know that I know feeling, it’s been done.

We need to understand that if we do fail at obtaining certain things, that it is ok. And we do not need to worry about it or try to figure out why. Accept it and move on to the next thing. If someone were to guarantee you that you will get what you asked for, what would you feel, how would you react? Would you still want it?

Change those negative statements that are sabotaging your outcome into something like the following:

Its ok if I don’t get what I want, maybe there is something better coming

I can be happy with or without it

I cannot fail

I am important and so is everything I want

It’s ok to have what I want

I do deserve what I want

I am worthy to have what I want

It is possible to get what I want

I know what I want

Nothing bad will happen when I get what I want

I don’t care what others think when I get what I want

God never created you to be or feel inferior. You are allowed to have needs and wants. He created you that way. He just wants you to start putting your trust and faith in Him as your father. And know that He is well able and equip to give you what you want and what you need.

We are always busy with this war in our minds, how can God give me that? Is God really on my side, if nothing goes my way? I have to work so hard to try and please God; maybe He will then hear and answer my prayer. Not one of those statements are correct for He loves you so much even more than you could ever love your own child, and for those of you that don’t have children yet, He loves you more than you could ever imagine. Always think of it like your own relationship with your children.

A very dear friend of mine told me one day that my relationship with my Heavenly Father is like my relationship between me and my child, and it’s even better because He is perfect in all ways even those where I fall short. Imagine having the perfect Father. He only wants your trust and faith.

There is nothing in this world we can give God for He already has everything. He wants you. Your love, trust and faith. All our little rituals and things we do, He appreciates those things but that’s not what His heart’s desire is. Please God by loving Him back.


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