Fears & Thoughts

Did you know that the highest frequency in the universe ever measured by scientists is the vibration of the energy created by your thoughts. Thoughts and feelings are very powerful when used in the correct way, that power affects everything inside of you as well as in your reality. So there for whatever you say and believe creates your reality. That’s why they always say be careful what you wish for, and what you fear will come to you. For you know what you fear (specifically) you connect a real emotion and feeling to that fear and you see in your mind’s eye the outcome of that scenario. Then you try to forget about that fear for you don’t want to feel that way or think about it, that’s what we call detachment. That which I just described to you is the key process to getting what you want. Start by replacing all those negative thoughts with positive thoughts everyday by creating positive thoughts in the same way you created negative thoughts. What you think about is what you will become, when you are dying how much does that stress and worry mean to your life, wouldn’t you want to remember good memories and fun times rather than to feel what was it all worth.


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