Why Donate?
We are helping people in our community on a daily basis to provide our services FREE of charge to those who cannot afford to PAY for our services. If you want to support us in our mission of creating a community that will elevate the Self Awareness of humanity by providing Inspiration, Education and Empowerment; please make a contribution. Any amount is appreciated.
We are trying to welcome and assist as many people as possible and your contribution will allow us to keep providing our services to the less fortunate in our community. YOU too can make a difference in the life of our next client. Your donation will contribute in making this world and our community a better and happier place, one person at a time.
We give away 10% of our services without compensation, we considder this as part of our tithe back to God for the abbundance we receive. We also know that our generosity comes back to us multifold and that tithing is a way to keep abundance flowing into our lives.
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