ANGER MANAGEMENT – Discover How We Remove And Cure Your Anger Through NLP Life Coaching.
Things to know about anger:
Anger is a powerful emotion. It can be used either in productive or counter-productive ways. It can lengthen or shorten our lives. It is like electricity. It can run large equipment or it can electrocute you.
Here are more things to know about anger:
- It is a response to pain (physical or psychological)
- It is a source of energy
- It is a secondary emotion
- When we are angry, the brain downshifts to a lower evolutionary level
- Prolonged anger is unhealthy
- Repressed anger is self destructive
Nature has developed the emotional state we call “anger” to help us stay alive. Anger sends signals to all parts of our body to help us fight or flee. It energizes us to prepare us for action. Many years ago we were threatened by wild animals who wanted to eat us. Now we more often feel threatened by other human beings, either psychologically or physically.
When we feel energized by anger, we might ask ourselves how we put this energy to the most productive use. As with the use of other forms of energy such as electricity or oil, we might want to use it efficiently, not wastefully.
Primary vs. Secondary Feelings:
Perhaps the most helpful thing to remember about anger is that it is a secondary emotion. A primary feeling is what is felt immediately before we feel angry. We always feel something else first before we get angry.
We might first feel afraid, attacked, offended, disrespected, forced, trapped, or pressured. If any of these feelings are intense enough, we think of the emotion as anger.
Genially speaking, secondary feelings do not identify the unmet emotional need (UEN). When all I can say is “I feel angry,” neither I nor any one else knows what would help me feel better. A helpful technique, then, is to always identify the primary emotion.
Here is an example. Assume someone wants us to do something we prefer not to do. At first we feel a little pressured, but not enough to get angry. When they keep pushing us, we begin to get irritated. If they continue, we get “angry”. Such anger damages often relationships.
Anger as a Response to Fear
One of the primitive functions of an animal’s response to fear is to frighten away the attacker. But in modern human life, we often frighten away those who we need and care about most. Besides this, prolonged anger has clear health consequences. According to Dr. Herbert Benson, these include heart attacks, hardening of the arteries, strokes, hypertension, high blood pressure, heart rate changes and metabolism, muscle and respiratory problems. (The Relaxation Response, 1975)
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space.
In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”
It may be helpful for us to try to widen this space over our lives, and in fact this may be one of the signs of wisdom and maturity. It may give us an increased sense of control.
Anger is something that we all deal with from time to time. Unfortunately, some people have more problems dealing with anger, than others. Here are 4 anger problem symptoms you can use to identify whether you might have an anger problem.
1. You Get Angry Often
If you get angry frequently, there’s a good chance you may have some issues related to anger that need to be dealt with. When this happens one of the best things to do is give yourself time away from the things that are making you angry.
2. You’re Always Defensive
Are you always getting defensive about something? Things like your work, your looks, your weight, how you talk, or anything else? Getting defensive and angry over things that make you defensive, is a sign you should evaluate things before reading too much into them. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself getting angry over things that probably were taken out of context.
3. Any Little Thing Gets You Mad
Do the smallest things set you off? You know things like: getting stuck in traffic, your morning coffee is cold, or you get ketchup on your new shirt. There are worse things in life than spilling something on your shirt… although it can be annoying, it really doesn’t justify the amount of anger, or attention, that it gets.
4. You Get Aggressive
Becoming aggressive when you’re angry is one of the worst things you can do. It can be a marker of just how “out of control” your anger is. If you get aggressive when you get angry, even for small things, then you’re endangering not only yourself, but those around you.
Recognizing anger problem symptoms is the first step in taking charge of your anger, before it begins damaging your life. All four mentioned here are Inappropriate or unwarranted Anger. You do not need them in your life. They are the culprits, aging you very fast and killing you slowly.
This is the kind of anger we at Dynamic Quantum Coaching can help you to control or in most case it can totally disappears.
As Trained and Certified Master Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Life Coaches we can help you in the following manner.
We work with every individual in they’re own unique way. Everybody is different and every person’s problem is unique. There is no presenting problem that we cannot resolve for them. Yes, even Anger or Rage! How can I make such a bold statement? Because we are only a handful of people in the country that can work directly with the Subconscious Mind while conscious you are fully aware of all the changes that take place. There are also other professionals that can work directly with the Subconscious Mind and they are Hypnotherapists. They get good results but the results are not always ever lasting. The problem is that when you are in deep trance your Conscious Mind is switched off or bypass and does not know what is happening. So the Subconscious Mind made the changes but the conscious mind did not! Therefore they normally relapse back to their old habits or behaviours and would have to go back for some more hypnotherapy. How do I know this? Well I am also a trained Hypnotherapist but I use trance only for my clients to relax them and for their conscious mind to build Rapport with their Subconscious mind so the Subconscious Mind can serve them better.
Through our unique Coaching Sessions we will teach you how to be in Control of your life and how to Create the exact life you want.
To be on the Cause side of Life and not to let life just happen to you. We start our Sessions by using specific questions. Questions that are formulated together in a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) format to get to the root cause of your Anger problem and any other problems. This will help us to get information directly form the Subconscious Mind. By getting information directly form the Subconscious mind (which is the domain of all your memories and all your emotions, even anger) we will be able to determine the root cause of the problem. You were not born with this much Anger in you, weren’t you? You are Magnificent. You are capable of much more than you think you are! After all you were created in the image of God. Do you really believe that God would create defects? It was your upbringing and you conditioning that shaped you to who you are today. You also modeled your parents and your pears and that also contributed to the problem. I am not interested to work with the problem by itself because that will bring us nowhere and I am sure you have tried this before with no success. By knowing what the root cause of the problem is, we can start to work on it immediately. We use a wide variety of techniques that work directly with the Subconscious Mind, which is the only real area to work in to make lasting changes in a very short time period.
The first technique we start with is advanced “Quantum Time Line™”. With “Quantum Time Line™” we can release a whole lifetime of Unprocessed Negative Emotions. They are Anger, Frustration, Anxiety, Sadness, Fear, Hurt, and Guilt. By releasing these toxic emotions that was piled up in your Nervous System and stored throughout your entire body, your entire world will change. This Technique by itself is “priceless”. To be free of all Negative Emotions you will experience life in a very light different manner. Just imagine a whole lifetime of negative emotions (black bags) that was polluting your mind and body gone in one session? You will feel so light, calm and in control of your Emotions. Most people’s whole physiology change, especially in their face and they will see it for themselves when they look in the mirror. One Lady broke her glasses after releasing her negative emotions because her anger was blinding her and suddenly she can see and read without glasses again! Amazing what negative emotions can do to you! You will have much more control of your Thoughts. You would be able to choose how to feel and react in any given situation more easily. You will start to love life and start living in the moment and not in the past or the future. You will be living in the moment, the NOW, which is the only real time that actually exists. By living in the NOW you will have much more control over your life and your Perception of life. Which at the end gives you Ultimate Empowerment!
“The past is history, the future a mystery and NOW is a gift, that’s why they call it PRESENT!”
- We will show you how to create the outcome you want in any situation.
- How to go from any unwanted state to a happy, motivated state?
- You will also find out what your life’s purpose is and see if you are moving toward or away from it?
In 100% of all our client all negative emotions were completely gone. But now and then there is that 1% that likes to hold on to another Feeling (not an Emotion) we called Anxiety. But not to worry this one is one of the easiest to eliminate. The process is called the Time Line Anxiety Eliminator. Did you know that you can not experience Anxiety for any situation that had already happened in the past? Try it for yourself and you will find that you cannot… The Time Line Anxiety Eliminator is a quick and very powerful process and it will take care of any anxiety. We will also teach you this process, to do it on yourself if anxiety ever comes back to you.
If there is any Unwanted Behaviour left or any New Behaviour the client wants, we can help them with it. We can install any new behaviour or change any unwanted Behaviour to a wanted behaviour in 10 to 20 minutes. We can also change your Perception about Yourself and boost your Self Confidence within the same time frame. Normally if you want to change your behaviour or change your perception about yourself, you will have to do Affirmations from dawn to dusk. To get these results using Affirmation, will take you about 2 years, saying your Affirmation to yourself for 5 minutes three times per day to get the desired changes. We got a Great technique for this and it is called Swish Patterns. And we can literally change any behaviour or your perception about yourself with in 10 to 20 minutes by changing it where it matters and that is deep down in the Subconscious mind.
You will also learn to love yourself for the magnificent person you are! When you do; this alone will change your life dramatically! It will give you confidence and everyone around you will love you for who you are, because Perception is Projection isn’t it? What you think of yourself is reflecting to the outside world.
I do realize and know that we are living in a fast changing world with a lot of demands and responsibility’s, but the good news is; we are capable of more than we could possible dream off and that what you think you are; you are always MORE than that!
See how you could be in CONTROL of yourself and your emotions so that you could use any challenge and obstacle to create an outcome of your choice.
This is just three of our techniques. We go a lot more than what I just mentioned here that will Ultimately Transform your life and give you Ultimate Empowerment and all of this comes with a 100% money back guarantee. Our Personal Breakthrough Session got a 100% money back Guarantee. If you did not get what you came here to solve, and you went through the whole process giving it a 100% of your effort; we will refund you your initial investment. That is how confident we are of what we can do for you!
Make your booking today for a Personal Breakthrough Session, or come and see us FOR ONE FREE SESSION, so we can give you more information about the process, and how we can help you.
Contact Us or read more about it on the Personal Breakthrough Session, What Can It Do For You?
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