Hope Ever Needed Workshop



27 February 2013 * 29 May 2013 * 19 June 2013

18h00 – 22h00


Office number 15, Fountain Square office park, Monument Park.


In this creative workshop you will receive one-on-one coaching with your life coach. We will teach you day-to-day tools in a practical way, you can use every day to reach your goals easier and faster. You will learn how to detach and get out of your wanting / needy space into your peaceful, receiving space. You will also learn how to activate your creative thoughts into actions and make them positive beliefs. We will be dealing with goal setting, goal achieving, peace, hope, faith, beliefs. You will have the tools to make life more peaceful, happy and a lot easier.


This is, as I said: the Ultimate workshop in learning the tools to life your dream life. All the changes will take place deep in your Subconscious mind, which make it instant and everlasting. Your Subconscious mind is 95% of your mind and that is where we make the changes. Most other programs or seminars try to make changes in your Conscious mind, which is only 5% of your mind and that is why most people fall back to their old habits after doing a personal development program. In these cases the 95% of the mind which is Subconscious takes them back to where they were before.


The investment in yourself for this workshop is only R 850.00. We will be running a special for the month of February only. So if you do the workshop now, the investment in yourself will only be R 550.00.  We will spend about 4 hours in total with you.  What a bargain, and it is just for you!


Come and start experience an undeniable life full of opportunities, possibilities, joy, love and abundance.



Looking forward hearing from you soon!



Ready to unlock your future?



Renier Jooste & Karien De Bruyn

Personal Growth Consultant, Trainer, Master NLP & Life Coach

082 821 8551 / 084 359 8910

renier@nlp4life.co.za / karien@nlp4life.co.za

Office 15, Fountain Square Office Park, Monument Park, Kalkoen str, Pretoria.

www.nlplifecoaching4life.co.za  or www.nlpsa1.co.za


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